Creating the composite curvilinear label (polylabel)

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ic_8327 Mode of creating the composite curvilinear label (creating the polylabel) serves, basically, for editing sheets of the digital vector map created before occurrence of an opportunity of creating curvilinear labels (titles). On some such sheets curvilinear labels were divided up onto the separate parts each of which were as the independent objects. For example, the name r. Fast Pine could be digitized as follows: r. F - as - t  P - in - e. For elimination of this situation the mode Creating the polylabel serves. For creating the composite label it is necessary to choose consistently all separate parts of the created label.

The termination of creating of compound label: Ctrl - Enter. If during creating the label there was a necessity for editing its text (after assembly of the text all blanks are cleaned, therefore for the text consisting of several words, it is recommended to divide separate words by blank) end of assembly of the text should be carried out pressing the Space. Thus you have an opportunity to edit the text and to finish process by pressing Ok button.