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Auxiliary text file with IMH extension can be used at matrix creation. This file defines objects list for nomenclature list (NL) of region participating during creation of heights matrix. To set contents of map objects participating in creation the matrix of heights it is necessary to execute setting of sections: absolute heights, relative heights, drainage lines, water surfaces, additional semantics. The Absolute heights section determines a contents of map objects participating in formation of an absolute relief. The section contains the classifier object list of a main map, for which one the semantic characteristic assigned in group Characteristic code is permissible. If you set the mode :To use with inverse sign then the value of height from semantics of objects will be multiplied on-1. Pressing Add all button invokes filling the list by all main map classifier objects, for which one the assign characteristic is permissible, thus earlier executed setting of the given section are lost. Pressing Restore button invokes filling the list by ABSOLUTE_HEIGHT_OBJECTS section of auxiliary text file. Each object of a list is submitted by a code, key and naming. All objects of a list will participate in an absolute relief formation, if the Process button in Object list group is switched on. All objects of a list will be excluded from processing, if Skip button in Object list group is switched on. «Depths" section defines content of map objects participating in formation of an absolute relief together with objects of section «Absolute heights». A mode of co-processing the objects with semantics «absolute height" and objects with semantics «depth" allows to create matrixes of a relief for transitive areas of a coastal zone of basin (sea, lake), including horizontals and heights marks of a land relief, and also isobaths and depths marks of bottom's relief. The section contains components for assignment: - code of semantic characteristic «Depth»; - code of isobaths; - code of depth marks. In group the Absolute level of basin it is necessary to set the level value of water surface in meters or a mode of a choice of level from semantics «Absolute height» of object-border of water surface. The level of the water surface is used when processing the objects of hydrography for the transition from the depths to the absolute heights. For example, the isobath, with a depth of 10 meters in the basin of the Caspian sea with the absolute level of -28 meters will be processed as a linear object with an absolute height h = -28 - 10 = -38 meters. As a border of water surface a polygon object (area of land, sea) is selected, by contour of which into the matrix there will be recorded the level value of water surface, received from the semantics of the absolute height of the selected object-border or the value specified in the «Level value of water surface (m)». Inclusion into processing of objects with depths is set by the Process mode in group Depths. The Relative heights section determines a contents of map objects participating in formation of an summary relief. The section contains the classifier object list of a main map, for which one the semantic characteristic assigned in group Characteristic code is permissible. Pressing Add all button invokes filling the list by all main map classifier objects, for which one the given characteristic is permissible, thus earlier executed setting of the assign section are lost. Pressing Restore button invokes filling the list by RELATIVE_HEIGHT_OBJECTS section of auxiliary text file. Each object of a list is submitted by a code, key, naming and default value of the semantic characteristic. If the given semantic characteristic is absent in processed map object, then the default value will be used. The default value may be changed by left mouse button double click in Default column. All objects of a list will participate in an summary relief formation, if the Process button in Object list group is switched on. All objects of a list will be eliminated from processing, if Skip button in Object list group is switched on. The drainage lines section determines a contents of the hydrography line objects with a variable height (river, streams (strands) etc.), participating in formation of an absolute relief. Each object of a list is submitted by a code, key and naming. Pressing Restore button invokes filling the list by HYDROGRAPHY_VARIED_HEIGHT_OBJECTS section of auxiliary text file. The Water surfaces section determines a contents of the hydrography polygon objects with a constant height (water storage basin, lakes, ponds etc.), that have no Absolute height characteristic participating in formation of an absolute relief. Each object of a list is submitted by a code, key and naming. Pressing Restore button invokes filling the list by HYDROGRAPHY_CONSTANT_HEIGHT_OBJECTS section of auxiliary text file. The additional section contains a list of the semantic characteristics, which one will be allowed at processing map objects participating in formation of a summary elief. The additional characteristics of map object will be used, if the object misses in a list of Relative heights section. Each semantic characteristic is submitted by a code, the naming and is sign, with which one the value of the characteristic will be used at map object processing. The sign of the characteristic may be changed by left mouse button double click in Sign column. If the map object has some semantic characteristics indicated in a list, the characteristic nearest to the beginning of a list will be used. Pressing Restore button invokes filling the list by ADDITIONAL section of auxiliary text file.