Properties of a raster map |
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It is possible to add raster map (and also with rasters of qualities, with rasters of a visibility range) into the document, to delete it from the document (to not confuse with «to delete from a disk"), to change parameters of a raster map, and also to operate displaying of a raster map in structure of the document. Modes for work with raster maps:
Visibility. The mode is intended for a choice of kind of a raster displaying: - Fill; - Deep; - Translucent; - Middle; - Transparent; - None.
Over map. At visualization of data the matrix map at first is displayed, then raster map, and by last - the vector map. Vector map becomes visible. The mode is intended for change of sequence of displaying raster maps. After use of the given mode the current raster is displayed atop of the main map of the document.
Scale range. The mode is intended for installation of borders of a raster visibility. Aggregate of the bottom and top borders of scales range of displaying at which the raster will be visible makes borders of a raster visibility.
Go to. The mode is intended for fast movement on region to a southwest corner of a current raster. After use of the given mode the southwest corner of a raster is displayed in the center of a visible part of the document (in the center of the screen).
Brightness/Contrast. The mode is intended for editing a palette of a map, and also for change of values of brightness and contrast of a map. Management of a palette.
Separate colors (Lowering the chromaticity). Lowering chromaticity of the raster image.
Inversion. The mode is intended for inversion of the raster image irrespective of amount of raster's colors. After using the given mode there is an opportunity to return a palette of a raster into initial condition - use Inversion mode once again.
Show by border. Mode is applicable to rasters with the installed border. It is intended for management of use of a raster border at its displaying. To set a raster border use modes: - to set a border of a raster manually (by contour); - to set a border of a raster by map object; - to set a border of a raster by text file.
To set border of a raster by map object. The mode is intended for installation of a raster's border by the contour formed by closed object of a vector map. Preliminary the raster should be added into the document of a vector map. Expects from the user of a choice of the closed object of a vector map. For displaying all raster use the mode: To display by border mode.
To set border of a raster manually (by contour). The mode is intended for installation of a raster's border by any contour. Expects from the user of creation of a contour of the any form. For displaying all raster use a mode: To display by border. At repeated installation of a raster's border the old border will be deleted.
Show border. The mode is intended for displaying a raster's border.
Edit border. The mode is intended for editing a separate point of a raster's border (change of its planned position). It is carried out by move of the pointer with the pressed left mouse button. Move of the pointer with released button not lead to change of position of a point. Choice of a point is made by move of cross-hairs in a work field without pressing of mouse buttons. Thus, the auxiliary line connects the pointer with nearest to it point of object. It is recommended to carry out the rough positioning of points by means of the mouse, and exact - by means of arrows on the keyboard with the pressed button of the mouse. Saving a raster's border is made during the moment of completion of carried out operation. At activation of the given mode the raster map is displayed entirely, without taking into account a border. After completion of carried out operation the displaying a raster is restored to the initial condition.
Show by mask. Mode is applicable to raster maps with the specified mask and it is intended for switching on of displaying a raster with a mask. A mask of rasters is applied to formation of a route from a mosaic of an aero-photo pictures, cutting the image of pictures subject to distortions, exceeding the admission. For placing a raster use a mode: Setting mask by text file.
Setting mask by text file. The mode is intended for setting mask by text file. Preliminarily the raster should be added into the document of an digital vector map. At activation of a mode it is necessary to choose the text file containing a mask for the given raster. Usually file of a mask has *. msc expansion , and the name of a file coincides with a name of a file of a raster. A mask of rasters is applied to formation of a route from a mosaic of an aero-photo pictures, cutting the image of pictures subject to distortions, exceeding the admission. At repeated specifying of a raster's mask the old mask is deleted.
Histogram of window fragment of gray-scale raster. Histogram of the raster image.
Histogram of selected area of gray-scale raster. Histogram of area of the raster image.
Binarization (threshold handling).
Parameters of projection. Specifying parameters of projection.
Placing of a raster. The mode is intended for a placing of a raster on a map. At switching on of Place raster mode the raster moves under the document after the pointer of a mouse. To the pointer of a mouse a southwest corner of a raster corresponds. It is necessary to choose new position of a southwest corner of a raster on a map and to click by the left mouse button.
Place by 1 point. The mode is intended for shift of a raster concerning vector (raster, matrix) map without change of a raster's scale. Place by 1 point mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose a point of a raster; - to specify a point corresponding to it on a map. At positioning the raster moves so that the point specified on a raster comes to conformity with a point specified on a map. Thus, the placing of a raster changes.
Placing of a raster by two points with scale. The mode is intended for shift of a raster concerning vector (raster, matrix) map and changes of its scale. Preliminarily the raster should be added into the document of vector (raster, matrix) map.
Place by 2 points with scale mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose the first point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map; - to choose the second point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map. It is recommended to choose the points of a raster as much as possible removed from each other. At positioning the raster moves so that the specified points on a raster come to conformity with the points specified on a map (provided that the raster does not require rotation). Thus, the placing of a raster and its scale will be changed.
Placing of a raster by 2 points with scale and rotation. The mode is intended for shift and rotation of the raster image concerning a vector (raster, matrix) map with change of scale. Preliminarily the raster should be added into the document of vector (raster, matrix) map.
Placing by 2 points with scale and rotation mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose the first point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map; - to choose the second point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map. It is recommended to choose the points of a raster as much as possible removed from each other. After rotation and shift of the raster's image the specified points on a raster come to conformity with the points specified on a map. Thus the binding of a raster and its scale will be changed. The copy of an initial raster is saved with the same name, but with extension *.~sw or *.~st.
Rotation without scale. The mode is intended for rotation of the raster image around of the first point, specified on a vector (raster, matrix) map. The angle of turn is set by two pairs points: - on the raster image; - on a map.
Rotation without scale mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose the first point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map; - to choose the second point of a raster, to specify a point corresponding to it on a map. After rotation of the image the placing of a raster changes also. The copy of an initial raster is saved with the same name, but with extension *.~sw or *.~st.
Horizontal alignment. The mode is intended for superposition of the segment, formed by two points specified on a raster, with a horizontal line. Superposition of a segment with a horizontal line is achieved by the rotation of the raster image.
Horizontal alignment mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose the first point of a raster (the beginning of a segment); - to choose the second point of a raster (the end of a segment). At successful end of rotation the copy of an initial raster is saved with the same name, but with extension *.~sw or *.~st.
Vertical alignment. The mode is intended for overlapping the segment, formed by two points specified on a raster, with a vertical line. Overlapping of a segment with a vertical line is achieved by rotation of the raster image.
Vertical alignment mode expects from the user of an execution of following actions: - to choose the first point of a raster (the beginning of a segment); - to choose the second point of a raster (the end of a segment). At successful completion of rotation the copy of an initial raster is saved with the same name, but with extension *.~sw or *.~st.
Move to southwest corner. The mode is intended for shift of a raster into a southwest corner of region. Preliminarily the raster should be added into the document of a vector map. The given function changes a placing of a raster.
Shift on the raster on dX, dY. The mode is intended for change of a placing of the rasters opened in the document, on size dX, dY. Rasters without placing do not participate in handling.
Rotation. The mode is intended for receiving of a file of a raster map with the rotated image. Type of rotation: - mirror, rather vertical axis; - mirror, rather horizontal axis; - rotation on 90 degrees; - rotation on 180 degrees; - rotation on 270 degrees. It is expedient to apply the given mode to the raster received at scanning of the inverted material. During work of the program the new file of the raster image with a name specified in Output file field is created. At successful completion of rotation the created file is added into the document. If names of initial and output files are identical, the new image replaces the old, not changing thus of structure of the document.
Cutting of raster by selected fragment.
Cutting of raster by selected nomenclatures. Cutting of raster by selected nomenclatures.
Cutting of raster by selected objects. Cutting of raster by selected objects.
Add. The mode is intended for addition of a raster map (*.RST, *.RSW) into the document. The group choice of added files is realized. At addition there is an opportunity of converting of data from other formats (PCX, BMP, TIFF and others). See sections Loading of files of graphic formats and Loading of a raster map from file of JPEG format.
Close. The mode is intended for deleting a current raster map from the document.
Save as …. Saves the chosen raster into a file of formats: BMP, PCX, TIFF. In the further it can be used in other applications.
Delete the file. The mode is intended for deleting files of a raster map from a hard disk of a computer.