Removing associated signs

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The procedure is intended to remove the nodes of the road network that are not on the roads that are removed during the generalization of the road network (see Specifying the bounds of roads visibility). Parameters of processing are contained in the file c:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\NAME.process:


<removingpoint name="Removing associated signs" nameru="Удаление сопутствующих знаков">

 <set name="Deleting roads network node" nameru="Удаление узлов дорожной сети" distance="2">










Description of parameters:


process \ removingpoint \ name="Removing associated signs"

Task name

process \ removingpoint \ set \ name="Deleting roads network node"

Name of a set of task parameters

process \ removingpoint \ set \ distance="2"

Distance between objects: node and road (in meters on the map)

process \ removingpoint \ set \ analyzed \ excode

List of external codes of analyzed objects (roads)

process \ removingpoint \ set \ processed \ key

List of keys of processed objects (road network nodes)


NAME - the name of the script parameters file corresponds to the name of the classifier file.