Setup file |
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To download several files of the same type (equally created) MIF/MID with the same settings in the classification code and attributive data there is used the setup file. Having customized the loading parameters once, save them in the setup file, having pressed the Save button, and at repeated processing of files MIF/MID of this type, choose the appropriate setup file, having specified the path to customization file. You can create a customization file yourself by means of the usual text editor. The setup file has INI. extension.
The structure of setup file looks like:
.INI - the beginning of a setup file, it is the obligatory field. .SCL <value> - a description of map scale, value is a map scale. The field can not be specified. .OBJ <value> - description of block of settings for a classification code, value - quantity of lines in a file of this block. The block can be absent. .LIN <value> - element of block .OBJ, describes linear objects. Value - an object key. .SQR <value> - element of block .OBJ, describes polygonal objects. Value - an object key. .PNT <value> - element of block .OBJ, describes point objects. Value - an object key.
.TXT <value> - element of block .OBJ, describes objects of type the title. Value - an object key.
<Value 1> <value 2> - element of block .OBJ, describes conformity of a field name in MIF/MID and a classification field in RSC. Value 1 - the field name in MIF/MID, value 2 - a sign of representation of a classification code in MIF/MID, 0 - a classification code, 1 - an object key. .SEM <value> - description of the block of settings for the attributive data to be loaded into a map, value - the number of lines in a file of this block. The block can be missing. <Value 1> <value 2> - element of block .SEM, describes conformity of a field name in MIF/MID and a key of the semantic characteristic in RSC. Value 1 - a field name in MIF/MID, value 2 - a key of the appropriate characteristic in RSC. .END - the end of setup file, the obligatory field.
Example of .INI file:
.INI .SCL 100000 .RSC d:\panteleeva\Natali\KAZAXS\ready\100tKZ.rsc .DRW ON .SEM 1 code CODE .MIF1 area,S_area,L_area,P_area,T_area, .MIF2 boundary,S_boundary,L_boundary,P_boundary,T_boundary, .MIF3 boundary_add,S_boundary_add,L_boundary_add,P_boundary_add,T_boundary_add, .MIF4 bridges,S_bridges,L_bridges,P_bridges,, .MIF5 dwellings,S_dwellings,L_dwellings,P_dwellings,T_dwellings, .MIF6 economy,S_economy,L_economy,P_economy,T_economy, .MIF7 energy,S_energy,L_energy,P_energy,T_energy, .MIF8 exp,,,,, .MIF9 filling,S_filling,L_filling,,, .MIF10 ground,S_veg_ground,L_veg_ground,P_veg_ground,T_veg_ground, .MIF11 ground_add,S_veg_ground_add,L_veg_ground_add,P_veg_ground_add,T_veg_ground_add, .MIF12 hydro,S_hydro,L_hydro,P_hydro,T_hydro, .MIF13 hydro_add,S_hydro_add,L_hydro_add,P_hydro_add,T_hydro_add, .MIF14 mil,S_mil,L_mil,P_mil,T_mil, .MIF15 oilgas,,,,, .MIF16 pickets,S_pickets,L_pickets,P_pickets,T_pickets, .MIF17 railways,S_railways_add,L_railways_add,P_railways_add,T_railways_add, .MIF18 railways_add,S_railways_add,L_railways_add,P_railways_add,T_railways_add, .MIF19 relief,S_relief,L_relief,P_reliefT_relief,, .MIF20 relief_add,S_relief_add,L_relief_add,P_relief_add,T_relief_add, .MIF21 roads,S_roads,L_roads,P_roadsT_roads,, .MIF22 roads_add,S_roads_add,L_roads_add,P_roads_add,T_roads_add, .MIF23 shadding,S_shadding,,,, .MIF24 veg_ground,S_veg_ground,L_veg_ground,P_veg_ground,T_veg_ground, .MIF25 veg_ground_add,S_veg_ground_add,L_veg_ground_add,P_veg_ground_add,T_veg_ground_add, .END