Creation of correspondence zones by conditions as the raster image

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ici_9104 The given mode is used for execution of logic operations with layers of matrixes and displays of results to a map background. The point in which the logic condition is carried out will be painted over with the given color. The set of points is kept in a raster map.

The mode works only with open matrixes of layers.

To task parameters of display use the dialogue window in which one the matrix of layers is  selected and conditions table of display is filled. The number of conditions is not limited.

The conditions table consist of a layer number, conditions of display and value. Value may be two types: layer power or absolute height. By default the type of value is a layer power. For a relief - value is always set in absolute units.

For addition of conditions into the table it is necessary to use Add button or Ins key. As the answer - the current line will be filled by key parameters, except for a Layer name column. To establish the layer name, it is necessary twice to press the mouse button in the Layer name column. After that the layers list for a chosen before matrix (including a relief) will appear. From this list by unary mouse button pressing it is possible to choose the necessary layer.

To change other parameters, it is necessary twice to press the mouse button in a required column and then to choose value from the offered list (a Condition column) or simply to enter a value (a Value column).  Values  entering is limited by the minimal and maximal value, and for values as Layer power restriction really corresponds to the minimal and maximal value, and for Absolute height these sizes conditional enough and pay off as follows: the maximal value is equal to the maximal value of a relief, the minimal value is equal to the minimal value of a relief with out of  the  sum of  the maximal powers of all layers.

Conditions are selected from the following list:

-! = it is not equal,

- * any value,

- < it is less,

- < = it is less or equal,

- = it is equal,

- > it is more,

- > = it is more or equally,

- x any value is forbidden.

Value can be established only if the condition does not accept value * or x.

The raster file name is set automatically and consists of a file name of a layers  matrix  with addition «_mtl» and expansion «.rsw». Its may be changed by the user.

Area of creation may be:

- All area occupied by a matrix of layers;

- A rectangular fragment;

- An any fragment;

- A contour of the chosen object;

- A fragment given in coordinates.

The user also may change color of filling of a raster and a degree of its visibility.