Moving image

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For moving the image press the pictogram with the image of a hand on the top panel of tools. Then move a mouse with the pressed left button. When the button is released, a map will be repositioned in new position.

If the mode of map moving is set: Move with repaint the map is repainted in rate of movement of the image. To change a mode of moving it is possible in the menu by the right mouse button.

It is recommended to disconnect repainting of map at moving for maps with great number of sheets and objects.

In all other operational modes (map editing, map computers etc.) moving of the image is fulfilled by mouse driving over window limits with pressed left button, and also by mouse driving above a map with pressed key Shift. The direction of map moving is opposite to mouse driving.          

The shortcut key Ctrl and keys with arrows or keys PgUp, PgDn, Home, End can also be used to move the image of a map.