Creating objects-polygons of homogeneous matrixes zones |
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Input matrix and created objects-polygons:
The input data of the task are the matrixes of the chosen type added into the document a list of which is displayed in group Input matrixes. The matrixes marked in the list are processed. To mark matrixes in the list it is possible by pressing the left mouse button or by means of buttons Select all, Unselect all. Parametres of homogeneous zones of a matrix can be customized by pressing the button «>>» or can be requested from a palette of earlier created matrix of qualities by pressing the button «…». If matrixes of qualities (type of input matrixes - MTQ) are processed, then customized parameters can be written down into input matrixes of qualities in the form of a new palette by means of the button Write to matrixes. Result of the task work is the map in the SIT format, containing the created objects-polygons corresponding to homogeneous zones of input matrixes. The type of created objects is set in dialog Object type by pressing the button «…». If the Make subjects mode is not specified, the resulting polygons will not contain the «cut out» areas-subject corresponding to the polygons of the upper by the range of values (minimum, maximum) of the classes. Disabling this mode significantly reduces the execution time. All created objects are subdivided into classes. Class parametres are: number, minimum and maximum values of the characteristic (or heights), color of displaying the objects of the given class. Class parametres are written down into objects-polygons in the form of the specified semantic characteristics. For recording the number of a class, the minimum and maximum values of the characteristic (or heights) the semantic characteristics of numeric type are used. For recording the color of displaying objects of a class there is used semantic characteristics the COLOR of SYMBOL DISPLAY RGB (code 31002, key ImageColor, type Color).
Selection of polygons by semantics «Class number»:
By buttons of group Output area it is possible to set area of processed elements of input matrixes, after this it is necessary to press Build button. If the map has the selected objects, then the Selected objects button becomes enabled, that specifies the mode of creating the objects-polygons in the selected objects. |