Raster map

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The digital raster cartographical information contains the description of the given district site in the specific scale, projection, coordinate system as a two-dimensional array. The Array item value is a color in RGB format or a color index from a palette.

The Panorama program processes the raster maps submitted in format RSW format. There is a possibility of converting the data from other formats (PCX, BMP, TIFF and others).

At loading raster maps in the uniform graphic environment database the raster map work area may be created.

The combination of raster and vector maps on the same or adjacent territories allows to create and update areas of works operatively, keeping a possibility (opportunity) of the decision applied tasks for which some kinds of objects on a map should have vector representation.

It is applied the raster image substitution mechanism by its diminished copy for increasing of the raster map displaying speed at moving the image away (at map scaling).

In Panorama program file size is limited to raster map of 1 TB.