Creation of group

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For creation of a group choose object. If necessary add semantics by which you will build a group, write down these semantics.

For the chosen object press Group of object button.

The table of objects has one object in the appeared Editing of a group dialog.

Appoint semantics for building a group. For this purpose in Semantic bookmark specify View attribute for one or two semantics.

Add objects into a group (so many, how many various styles are required for you). Take into account, that style «by default» can be necessary.

It is desirable to give various names to objects. With the help of toolbar choose thresholds for semantics from Objects image table table.  

Fill in cells of the formed table by suitable objects. By pressing of the left button choose a cell for filling. In the Table of group objects by pressing of the left mouse button choose object. Press Fill in a cell of group button in a toolbar.

Check up, that all objects are used, and that the Objects image table table has no empty places.

Appoint the image by default by pressing of the right mouse button onto the chosen image in the Objects image table table.

Save a group by pressing Set button.