Slicing and bordering selected fragments |
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The procedure is intended for automatic preparation for printing of a set of map fragments decorated in accordance with the accepted conventional symbols.
Before executing the procedure, on the map it is necessary to select areal or closed linear objects of the map, which will be used as frames for the formed and drawn fragments. During the execution of the procedure, a folder is created at the path specified in the main dialog, in which the result is placed - a set of folders with sliced fragments. The names of the folders in which the sliced fragments will be placed are assigned in accordance with the name from the semantics with code 9 of the selected object, in the absence of a name - according to the nomenclature of the sheet on which the object is located. In case of repetition of the name, a postfix with the repetition number is added to the name, for example "Frame1(2)". Fragment decoration is carried out by accepted for scale of a decorated map by standard conventional symbols of topographic maps according to samples of decoration of nomenclature sheets of topographic maps. The decoration map is called «bordframe.sitx» and is placed into the «Frame» folder, created in the folder where the fragment being decorated is located. The decoration map is created by the classifier of the initial map, however all elements of decoration are created in the form of graphic objects. Therefore they can be transferred without distortions onto a map created by any classifier. The frame of the fragment being decorated can have any shape and contain an arbitrary number of points (vertices). During the execution of the procedure, objects from all maps added into the document are placed in the generated fragment. For this purpose they should be created by one classifier. Processing of concrete maps can be disabled. The name of the classifier by which the map was created is added to the name of the map itself when forming the list. At the moment of procedure start, into the open document the maps with different classifiers can be added. In such situation the procedure will not be executed. For procedure execution it is necessary to exclude unnecessary maps from processing. Unlike the procedure for the formation of border making, which is part of the complex for preparation for printing, turn of a decorated fragment is not carried out, decoration is formed «on the spot». During the preparation for running it is possible to set the following additional options: Decoration only If you enable this option, the selected fragments will be decorated, but fragments will not be sliced. If this option is selected, then upon completion of the procedure, the generated maps of decoration are automatically added to the open map.
Without Rectangular Gridетки If you enable this option, the elements of the rectangular grid (ticks and line labels) will not be generated. A sample design for a fragment of a scale of 1:200 00 with and without a rectangular grid
Continuous numbering of areas When making fragments of scales 1:500 000 and 1:1 000 000 containing several initial nomenclature sheets, the numbering of areas can be done either within the initial nomenclature sheets (after «6» will be followed by «1», and after «G» - «A») or within continuous numbering from the borders of the fragment (after «6» will be followed by «7», and after «G» - «D»). A sample design for a fragment of a scale of 1:500 00 with continuous numbering and without it
Group If you enable this option, individual objects belonging to the same element of decoration (all ticks lines of a rectangular grid, geodetic grid of point of a large-scale geodetic frame) will be grouped into one object with sub-objects. If the option is disabled, all individual strokes will be formed by independent objects.