The mode is intended for saving the pickets selected on a map (point objects) into text file TPR (a file of a direct geodetic task). Before a choice of a mode it is necessary to select the point objects which are supposed to be saved as polar survey (shooting) on a map. After a choice of a mode (pressing the corresponding buttons on panel) to the user it is necessary to specify basis, a point of standing and a point of prompting. It is possible to specify basis by a consecutive choice of two dot objects, or by the indication of a piece of the metrics of linear or polygon object. The chosen basis graphically is shown on a map. In dialogue of a mode it is necessary for user to specify a name of a saved file and type of the measured corners (left or right). It is necessary to consider, that the program writes down basis of measurements in the same kind in as it was displayed on a map: Т1 - the first point (a point of prompting), Т2 - the second point (a point of standing).