The increase in polygon is made with the purpose of increase in the area of convex polygon (range). The increase in polygon is made by a line which is parallel to the nearest side of polygon during the moment of its choice. At a choice of object it is necessary for user to specify increased polygon, to try at that to place the cursor of the manipulator "mouse" as much as possible close to that side of polygon by which one the polygon will be increased. After a choice, the specified object is highlighted by the blue contour and the area of polygon is displayed in a line of messages of the program. Moving the cursor of "mouse" in a direction of increase in object, using thus necessary scale, it is possible to achieve the desirable size of polygon. At crossing the sides limiting the side by which the polygon increases, the increase in the area is stoped. The termination of operation is made standardly (double pressing of LMB (left mouse button), Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl + LMB).