Working with field map

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You can create an electronic field map in stages, gradually adding new data layers into it. Creation methods can be different:

- vectorization of contours in GoogleEarth, with subsequent loading into the Panorama;

- obtaining a georeferenced raster image and vectorization of contours according to a raster image of an orthophotomap or a scanned plan of on-farm arrangement;

- bypassing field boundaries with fixing the coordinates of turning points using a GPG receiver;

- automatic creation of thematic maps according to the contours of the field boundaries and attributive information from the database of fields history.


The choice of one or another method (or their combination) depends on the technical means available to you, financial resources and the required accuracy in obtaining a coordinate description of contours and, accordingly, areas.

A number of modes, grouped by functionality, are provided to create field maps in the complex of agronomic tasks:

ic_0424 - task «GPS Monitor» provides drawing the data onto a map in a mode of direct connection of the GPS-receiver to the computer port;

ic_7927 - the group of modes «Import of data from exchange files» provides loading of data from files in the exchange formats containing coordinates of points;

ic_0426 - group of modes «Editing of data» provides editing of data, after the automated loading from files of the exchange data;

ic_184 - group of modes «Surfaces» provides creation and analysis of surfaces of a relief and qualitative characteristics of the terrain, for the purpose of identifying uniformity in arable land and information support of technology of exact farming;

28816   - a group of modes for supporting unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provides processing of incoming photos and videos, mapping the trajectories of UAVs and compiling reports on the received data;

ic_8041 - the mode «Connection to the database» provides the setting of the connection to database the Panorama AGRO;

ic_0408 - the «Passport of the field» task provides storage and work with attributive data on arable land in the Panorama AGRO database;

ic_0171 - the group of modes «Satellite monitoring» provides obtaining and analysis of vegetation indexes along contours of fields;

28820  - the task «Satellite-based field recognition» provides the creation of field maps from automatically selected satellite images based on neural network analysis using an external web service;

ic_0440 - «Thematic maps» task provides automatic formation of cartogram based on attributive and statistical information about the state of arable land, soil fertility, crop yields, etc;


28790  - the mode «Building homogeneous zones»;

ic_0403 - group of modes «Reports» provides the preparation of map-schemes images and automated formation of reports by the objects of the fields map;

ic_0170 - «Snap to a map of JPEG photos by GPS coordinates» mode provides automatic binding to the map of JPEG photos containing GPS coordinates of the shooting location in EXIF tags;

ic_8589 - mode «Search by address» is intended for searching a location on a map for a user-specified address;

ic_8055- the «Settings» mode is intended for activating the dialog «Parameters of the project for geodesy and land management documentation»;

ic_0219 -  exit.